On Heritage Meals & Tradition Building
As we enter the Holiday Season, the cacophony of voices around family recipes and traditions and what we should all be doing with and for our families and friends is in full swing, but what if there was another option?
What if you gave yourself permission to build your own traditions and create menus filled with new heritage meals?
One Simple Step Towards Documenting Your Family History
Timing is everything when faced with interest in learning about our family history, isn’t it? It seems many of us aren’t incredibly interested in such things in our youth and by the time we begin to get the itch, many of our elders have already passed. So, how do we strike a balance? Well, if you’re here in this space with me now I’d wager a guess you have found an interest (even a tiny one) and may or may not be ready to fully dive in so I’m going to offer a simple suggestion: Begin by documenting the facts and stories passed down in your family.
7 Topics to Include When Writing About Your Family History
No matter what your personal goals are, if you are aiming to be comprehensive in documenting your family’s story, there are several details you should consider including to create a detailed and engaging narrative. Here are seven important topics I’ve come across in my research for you to consider as you begin (or continue) writing about your family history.
Family History as a Remembrance Journey
No matter where you are on your family history remembrance journey, it’s never too late to start or begin again.