On Getting Organized & Setting Family History Goals
I’m what one might consider a Seasonal Hobbyist. From family history to crochet, reading to making art, journaling to blog posting, there is a definitive ebb and flow to my interests and capacity.
The Restoration of My Favorite Family Photo
If I had to wager a guess, I’d say we all have that one favorite family photo that calls to us. That one photo that reaches into our hearts and asks us to look deeper. That one photo where everyone is looking at the camera (or no one is looking at the camera) and we just want to share it with everyone we know and love.
But maybe that photo has been damaged in one way or another. Maybe it got bent, or written on in the wrong way. Maybe something got spilt on it or maybe it’s been torn.
How to Best Label Your Photos
As any family historian knows, finding a new (or new-to-you) photo is a feeling like none other. Flipping that photo over to find it labeled only sweetens the pot! Seeing the face of kin and knowing their name, when the photo was taken and where it was taken is truly like hitting a gold mine!
Truth be told, though, life is busy! And more often than not we’re not thinking about labeling photos, let alone thinking ahead to who might want/need to know who is in a given photo, when it was taken or where we were.